Friday, September 25, 2020

Preparing Your Home & Family For Seasonal Storms

Tropical storms, thunderstorms storms, hurricanes, and high winds can ravage a home, especially if you are unprepared. You can help reduce the risk to yourself and your family by preparing properly for storm season and unexpected weather emergencies.

Tips to help prepare your home and family for storm season:

Monitor Trees Around Your Home

Falling trees are extremely dangerous. They result in injury and even death every year. Be sure to keep an eye on the trees around your home. If any look suspicious, have a professional tree inspection done. Rotting or dying trees need to be immediately removed.

Keep Emergency Food & Water

Power outages are usually brief but sometimes can last for days or weeks. Be sure you have plenty of emergency canned food and water at home in case you are unable to buy water or food locally for an extended period of time.

Set A Rally Point

If your home becomes unsafe because of a bad storm, your family needs to set a safe rally point to meet.

Maintain Your Roof

Your roof is a vulnerable part of your home. Be sure to keep your roof inspected and maintained on a regular basis. Your roof is a critical point of protection when it comes to storms and heavy rains.

Hire A Trusted Contractor For Repairs

Sometimes storm damage simply cannot be avoided. If your home is damaged by severe weather, be sure to hire a trusted contractor for your restoration and repairs. Inquire about credentials and check online reviews.

Lang Restoration & Construction in Tucker, GA
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