Friday, August 6, 2021

4 Yard Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

A beautiful yard is something to be proud of, but it does take effort and know-how. Here are 4 yard maintenance tips to help you create the yard of your dreams.

1. Fertilize Your Lawn

When fertilizing your lawn, you need to research which fertilizer to use, when to use it and how often to fertilize your yard. This will depend on your region and the type of grass you have.

2. Mow Your Lawn Correctly

Improper mowing can damage your yard. Never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade length when you mow. Be careful not to give your yard too close a cut.

3. Repair Bare Spots

Bare spots can really diminish the look of your yard. They may also indicate that you have bigger problems with your yard. if you don't repair them, they may continue to spread. 

4. Get The Right Lawn Maintenance Equipment

Equipment matters when it comes to lawn care. For mowing, pruning, and seeding, choose high-quality brands that meet your specific needs. 

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